April 25, 2015

Fresh Off the Boat S01E13 // SEASON 1 FINALE Mini Recap

Episode Name: So Chineez

Original Air Date: 4/21/15

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So the episode begins with an overview on how the Huangs have adapted to living in Orlando. 

Jessica especially has gotten used to living in a white community, so much so, that she received an invitation to the country club, which is basically the promised land in Orlando.

However, Louis objects to the country club because he thinks it's too expensive. In an attempt to change his mind, Jessica invites their neighbors Honey and Marvin to the restaurant in hopes that they would be able to sway him. Their combined efforts result in Louis agreeing to go on a tour of the country club. However, Marvin said something that causes Jessica to rethink the country club and her current lifestyle: that sometimes he forgets they are even Chinese.

Eddie's school is preparing for the World's Culture Fair, and Eddie was assigned to do his project on Iceland. His friends convince him that the Caribbean Islands was the way to an easy A. However, the only one left was Jamaica and some kid named Brian already had it. Brian really loves the show Boy Meets Worldso Eddie takes advantage of this and tells Brian that he has Topanga's number. Brian gives Eddie Jamaica and Eddie gives Brian his home phone number. When Brian called later that day, Eddie bribes his grandma to pretend to be Topanga. OMG THAT WAS SO FUNNY That kid Brian was pretty gullible since y'know, Topanga's a fictional TV character.

Jessica is still distraught about what Marvin said and finally cracked when she realizes that the Huang's had become too accustomed to the white lifestyle.

The next day, she starts dressing up like Chun-Li from Street Fighter LOL

Louis takes the tour of the country club and loves it in the end. However, Jessica makes him quit since she wants everyone to connect with their Chinese roots. But of course, Louis doesn't.

She also sends the boys to Chinese school in Tenpa. OMG THE TEACHER WAS SO FUNNY. YOU COULDN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HIM HAHAHAHA

Jessica also makes Eddie change his country to China, much to the dismay of Eddie. On a total side note, Eddie kinda looks like my little brother HAHAH since they're both the same age and chubby

Jessica lets Eddie switch back to Jamaica, and he does his project with the other people with Caribbean Islands aka his friends. This guy (whose name I don't know) starts "making fun of China," I guess? I mean, it wasn't even an insult, but apparently it is in Eddie's book.

Eddie starts schooling the kid whose name I don't know on China. Jessica walks in and realizes that the boys are Chinese enough.

Meanwhile, Grandma recognizes Brian's voice.


Eddie comes home and shows his mom that his project grade is an F. He spent so much time defending China and schooling Trent (I REMEMBERED HIS NAME) that he forgot to do his project. Jessica tells Eddie that she's proud of him and puts his F on the fridge, much to the dismay of Emery and Evan.

Throughout the whole episode, Emery and Evan have been competing against each other to see who can get his work on the fridge first. After countless times of getting their works put into a drawer, they decide to work together, so both of them could get on the fridge. So you can see why Evan and Emery would be upset when Eddie, who got an F, got on the fridge while they didn't. HAHA THEY ARE SO CUTE!!

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