April 22, 2015

The Flash S01E19 Picture Recap

Episode Name: Who is Harrison Wells?

Original Air Date: 4/21/15

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The episode begins with Barry buying pizza for the gang.

They talk strategy on how to go up against Dr. Wells, while Caitlin is still skeptical that Dr. Wells is bad. At the end of their meeting, Joe and Cisco decide to go to Starling City to investigate the car crash Dr. Wells and his wife were in. 

Um, Barry and Caitlin shouldn't talk about Dr. Wells in his own lab. I mean, come on, guys! Do you want him to hear you? 

Their conversation is cut short when Barry gets a call from Eddie about someone trying to sell the stolen diamonds from earlier in the episode.

So, the metahuman of the week turns out to be a shape shifter! He can turn into anyone he touches. Because of this, Dr. Wells tells Barry not to make contact with the metahuman who's name we later find out is Hannibal Bates. What kind of name is that? I agree with Barry. It does sound like the parents wanted their son to be a criminal.

Meanwhile, in Starling City, Joe and Cisco meet up with Captain Lance and Laurel from Arrow!

Laurel remembers that Cisco works with Barry at Star Labs and asks to speak with him in private. I wonder what that could be about? Oh, wait! I already do!

Laurel reveals that she's in the loop. She also tells Cisco she's the Black Canary. Cisco is in awe but wonders why Laurel is telling him all of this. And that reason being she wants him to upgrade her sonic balls.

Barry and Eddie are still on the hunt for Hannibal Bates, so they pay a visit to his grandmother.

But the grandmother turns out to be the one and only Hannibal Bates. Y'know, that's supposed to be funny because he can shape shift. Well, Hannibal runs, and Eddie chases him. Barry does too, but he can't risk revealing his identity, so he has to run like a normal person. Run, Barry, Run. Haha, his normal running is so entertaining!!

Somewhere along the way, Hannibal turns into Eddie, and while impersonating him, he shoots two cops ON CAMERA. Oh no, Eddie! Obviously, he's in custody and Iris is in a mess. But it wasn't too long ago that she was giving him the cold shoulder.

Poor, naive Barry. It was so obvious that that Eddie was the shape shifter!! Hannibal knocks Barry out, ties him up, and stuffs him in his closet. He assumes Barry's identity and goes to Star Labs with Caitlin.

Meanwhile, in Starling...

Cisco, Joe, and Lance go to the bridge where the car crash occurred. Cisco, with his high-tech metal detector, finds the skeleton of the real Harrison Wells under the ground. 

Back in Central City...

Caitlin tells Hannibal (disguised as Barry) that she created a serum that could stop Hannibal from turning into other people. In order to distract her, he kisses her. As you can see, Caitlin looks VERY surprised. It's a good thing for Caitlin that Iris came!

Iris thinks she found a way to prove that Eddie is innocent. The shape shifter is left-handed while Eddie is right-handed. 

Just as Hannibal was about to draw his gun, Dr. Wells shows up and knocks him unconscious. Dr. Wells always pops up out of nowhere, huh?

Iris insisted that the shape shifter come with her so that she could bring him to the station in order to prove Eddie's innocence. Caitlin goes with her in order to deal with him properly. And by that, I mean lock him in the metahuman prison.

However, Hannibal turns into a little girl and makes a huge scene, saying that Iris and Caitlin were kidnapping her. Smart move, Hannibal, smart move. Obviously, he escapes, leaving room for one more battle with the Flash.

Two words. TOO CUTE. AWW, Cisco is so adorable. He modifies the sonic balls for Laurel into this headband thingy. And she took a picture with him as the Black Canary!! OMG SO ADORBS!!!

Yup, you guessed it! What's an episode of the Flash if Barry didn't kick so metahuman butt?

Later, at Star Labs, Cisco runs a test in order to see why the particle accelerator went wrong. He discovers a hidden room in the facility. So the most logically reason is for them to go check it out, right? Right.

They discover the Reverse-Flash's suit in the hidden room, reinforces their belief that Dr. Wells is the Reverse-Flash. What else do they find in the room? Barry discovers that the Flash goes missing in the 2024. What??? No matter how many times I see that newspaper article, I don't understand it. Haha, can't wait for the next episode!! :)

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