May 6, 2015

Breaking News: Introducing Guest Bloggers!

Hey guys! So Lisa and I just added a new section to our blog. Can you guess what it's called? Or should I say "guest"? HAHA

Okay, enough with the puns. Let's get down to business!

So we decided to add a "Special Posts" section to our blog. And basically, it's just special guest bloggers blogging on our blog! Wow, exciting right?

They would mainly blog about miscellaneous topics, such as food, korean dramas, games, etc. Basically anything we don't blog about. However, they wouldn't blog daily, just a few posts here and there.

Lisa and I just thought that it'd be nice if we had a larger variety of topics for you guys to read. So, hopefully, you enjoy our Guest Bloggers!! Interested in becoming one? Well, too bad. We pick you.


Keep a look out for our first Guest Blogger! :)

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