Episode Name: The Beast of Wall Street
Original Air Date: 6/11/15
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Not the greatest season premiere, but it'll do!I mean, at least it got renewed, right? It's been off the air for so long, but I guess people need their BATB fix? But yay for two more seasons (even though I'm not really in love with this show)!
So let's start off with Catherine's hair. IT'S SO SHORT (and kinda ugly??)!! I don't know about you, but I'm very partial towards long hair.
Umm, I'm not really a Tess and JT fan...I'm actually not really a Tess fan in general. Remember when Tess was REALLY annoying for some time? Well, I do. And it was SO annoying. I don't really like her personality either. It's just so annoying. But I like JT by himself though! Just not with Tess.
#VINCAT IS SUPER CUTE THOUGH!!! YAY, but y'know, there won't be a #VINCAT for long if Cat keeps getting into trouble. But still, AWW VINCENT PROPOSED TO CAT!!! Cute.
Unlike Tess, I actually like Cat by herself. Vincent too!! Both characters have a bunch of promise by themselves and as a couple!!
WELL, THERE REALLY ISN'T ANYTHING INTERESTING IN THIS EPISODE. Actually, if you consider Cat and Vincent getting back into the beast-hunting business interesting, then I guess there is, but I don't really like that plot line. It's so boring and overdone in BATB. Why can't they just have a simple love story and go on dates like normal people?? Okay, don't answer that. I already know why HAHA
But overall, as a season premiere, this episode is actually pretty boring. Hope this season gets more interesting and fast because right now, it's a snooze fest. OOH, I HOPE WE GET TO SEE CAT PLANNING HER WEDDING AND STUFF. That'd be fun to watch!! Well, more fun than watching her and Vincent chase down beasts.
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