Movie Title: Minions
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Release Date: July 10, 2015
Running Time: 91 minutes
Rated: PG
Minions. Yes—these are the same minions from Despicable Me. And this is their story. Minions have been around for who knows how long—from the dinosaurs to the stone age, from ancient Egypt to Dracula. You know where I'm going with this, right? These yellow, gibberish-speaking minions have only one purpose in life: to find a despicable master and serve them. I know what you're thinking—total masochists, am I right? And so, minions Kevin, Stuart, and Bob embark on a quest in finding the most villainous villain in order to save their people from total depression. Yes, the minions are in depression because they don't have a master to serve. Doesn't that scream "masochists"? Well, these masochistic minions are in luck because they do find a supervillain: Scarlet Overkill.
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