Episode Name: Game Over, Charles
Original Air Date: 8/11/15
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FINALLY!! After 5 years of PLL, we finally know who A is...CeCe!!! Or Charles or Charlotte or whatever she's going by these days. That girl was craaaaazy. Or should I say boy??
The writers should've did a better job with the big reveal. They left a lot of holes in their explanation, so I was kind of confused.
What did Sarah have to do with the A game? What did she have against the girls? I thought it was weird how they made Sarah a bad guy out of nowhere... WHAT WAS HER CONNECTION WITH ALL OF THIS... Thank god Emily gave her a beating!!! Well, one sucker punch is good enough.
I can't believe CeCe dated her own brother...GROSS!!
Why did Mr. D hate Charles so much?? Was it because Charles almost killed baby Ali?? And why did Mrs. D send Charles girl clothes at Radley's?? He was still a boy... Did he like dressing up as a girl or...? You see, this the stuff I wished the writers explained. I barely even got that Charles is a transgender.
Well, at least we know Mona killed Bethany and Sarah killed Holden and that CeCe is A. But the big A reveal and explanation could've been better. I mean, CeCe isn't even a MC... I would've liked it much more if A was someone more important. I really wanted to see the girls graduate too... :( PLL left out the most important part of high school!!
But at least the girls are looking good 5 years later!! HANNA'S LONG HAIR!!! I love it so much!! I remember back when she was my fave liar because her hair was long. Everyone looks great!! Can't believe Ali's a teacher though...with a new last name!! DID SHE GET MARRIED??
Well, until January 2016!! Season 6B, here I come! (This ought to be interesting...)
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