September 30, 2015

Thoughts On: Scream Queens S01E03

Episode Name: Chain Saw

Original Air Date: 9/29/15

Posted By:


So Chanel #2's real name is Sonya? Ariana Grande does not look like a "Sonya"! And by the way, those photos on Chanel #2's Instagram so look like she's dead!! I mean, the angle of her head?? Are these people stupid, or can they not put 2 and 2 together?? And can I just say that Chad is such a man whore! I mean, dating multiple Chanels at the same time? Dude's got problems. Although, I do have to disagree with Grace on the matter that Chad might be the mystery baby. I don't know if I mentioned this in my last post, but I so think Grace is the mystery baby!! Who do you think it is? Well, I guess we'll find out in the next episode hopefully!!

Y'know, it's kind of funny seeing the Red Devil kill people. Actually, scratch that. It's really funny!! When he was trying to chainsaw Coney, but Coney was fighting back and almost actually won!! You have to admit that was pretty funny—seeing an ice-cream cone beat up someone up! Looks like the Red Devil's a sore loser though because did he really have to cut off the guy's head?? Ew. Ew. Ew! And right after the cone guy just finished telling us his story (which by the way was totally random)!

The Dickie Dollar Scholars fraternity is so weird. And I'm mostly talking about Chad... He's so weird, but you can't help but enjoy his character! The baseball bat scene is so funny!! I really like how they all wore white when they were beating the fire hydrant and the red car with their bats. The music makes it so much funnier too. And the Red Devil's appearance was great too. Revving up the chain saw before you saw some Dickie Dollar Scholars, right?? HAHA, poor guy who got both arms sawed off though. He was very admirable for trying to save Chad.

Ahh, the HTGAWM reference!!! Y'know, Denise isn't as stupid as she looks. She knew that they're were 2 Red Devils. And what do you know? There are 2 Red Devils!

Okay, last thing. I don't think the dean is the Red Devil. Although, Grace's dad was definitely quick to point fingers. With no proof either! There's no way Munsch could've changed outfits AND go up and down the stairs in that short amount of time. So how could it be her? Well, actually, since there are 2 Red Devils, the "Who's the Red Devil" situation just got a lot more complicated!

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