October 19, 2015

Thoughts On: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend S01E01 // SERIES PREMIERE

Episode Name: Josh Just Happens to Live Here!

Original Air Date: 10/12/15

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Despite the low ratings, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a breath of fresh air! This comedy is actually an hour long show (43 minutes without commercial) is funny, relaxing, and sometimes downright outrageous (well, Rebecca that is!). 

I really like Rebecca even if she's a little impulsive and crazy. However, she's not exactly what's advertised: the girl who moved across the country for a guy. She was unhappy and just saw the chance and took it! And it's not like she's dumb either because she's a Yale and Harvard graduate!! Beat that! She also reminds me a lot of Emma Stone, which makes her even cooler! HAHAHAH

There's even a musical sequence is this show which is a total throwback to High School Musical and Glee. 

Even though she came for Josh, he's ehhh. Not very impressed so far. I see her with the guy in the bar more.

Despite the low ratings, I hope more people start watching because it's pretty good and has a lot of promise!


Episode Rating:

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