October 7, 2015

Thoughts On: Grey's Anatomy S12E02

Episode Name: Walking Tall

Original Air Date: 10/1/15

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This episode was all right. Nothing big really happened beside Bailey going all Nazi-crazy control freak as the new Chief of Surgery. Also, Owen kissed Amelia, but I knew that was going to happen eventually. So yeah, not all that interesting since most of the episode was centered on Bailey and her first day as chief and the surgery of the giant lady. Literally GIANT! 

However, April's back was really nasty!!!! I was like DUDE, what is that!?!?! Cover that up!! At least, she got to talk to Jackson. It made me really sad how Jackson felt he didn't feel like there relationship was worth fighting for anymore. Tear, tear. But of course, April had a long drawn out speech about how she was going to fight for the both of them and blah blah blah blah! She just talks too much sometimes.

As for Webber, I felt really bad for him since Bailey kept ignoring him, making him feel not useful anymore. His gift for Bailey was really nice though! And Bailey should definitely listen to Webber since he probably has a few tricks up his sleeves that he's more than willing to share. 

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but this season has been featuring a lot of covers of songs on the radio. It's weird in my opinion, but they're probably just trying to liven up the moody since Derek's death. Also, no offense, but I don't really miss Derek at all. There are just too many doctors and too much drama on this show to miss one person in particular (except for Cristina!).

But I really want to know when the new male neurosurgeon is going to make his appearance on this show!! Like is he going to replace Derek and be Meredith's new love interest?? TELL ME NOW!!

Anyhow, enjoy!!

Episode Rating:

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