October 1, 2015

Thoughts On: Limitless S01E02

Episode Name: Badge! Gun!

Original Air Date: 9/29/15

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HAHA, THE BEGINNING IS SO FUNNY!!! Well, it's really only one part, but it's freaking hilarious!! It's when Brian made those paper mache models of his bodyguards, Mike and Ike (cute nicknames by the way), and he made them kiss each other. WHAT'S FUNNY IS THAT BRIAN WAS PLAYING AROUND, BUT MIKE AND IKE HAD SERIOUS FACES THE WHOLE TIME. I mean, how can you not laugh??

Brian really reminds me of Mike Ross from Suits!!! I MEAN, their looks are kind of similar, no?? Well, you might not even know who Mike Ross is, but that's okay. As long as I know. Both characters were in a sense "deadbeats" until they turned their lives around! Similar right?? And Mike also has a photographic memory just like how Brian can remember a bunch of things when he takes NZT.

Omg, that ending! Brian's dad's nurse is the lady who gave Brian that shot for NZT?? Well, it looks like Brian can't tell his dad what's going on now because either something bad will happen to his dad or something bad will happen to him. It's like that senator Morra guy is threatening him! No, scratch that. He is threatening him!! Sucks for Brian.

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