October 27, 2015

Thoughts On: The Walking Dead S06E03

Episode Name: Thank You

Original Air Date: 10/25/15

Posted By:

OMG... Did they just kill of Glenn?????????????? WHAT IS THIS????????????? You know what Nicolas should've done instead of shooting himself in the head? He should jumped into the pit of zombies to save Glenn or something. Y'know, if he was gonna die anyway. Well, I admit jumping into a crowd of zombies would be pretty painful because they tear you to pieces. Speaking of pieces, the zombies took intestines out of Glenn's neck???? I really hope that that scene was a vision or hallucination or something because Glenn can't be dead!!! Like I seriously hope he's alive!!! Me and everyone else who watches this show, am I right? I mean, Glenn is one of the first people who met Rick. He's basically a veteran in this show, one of the originals. They can't just kill him off like that!!

Okay, enough about Glenn, let's talk about another veteran of this show: Rick. Rick needs to get it together. It sure was pretty convient how his "car" (I forgot what those vehicles are called so I'm just gonna call it a "car") wouldn't start. It's like a prologue to his breaking down. So yeah, get it together, Rick!

P.S. That last scene overlooking the walkers looks pretty familiar...aka they ended the last episode the same way.

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