November 22, 2015

Thoughts On: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend S01E06

Episode Name: My First Thanksgiving with Josh!

Original Air Date: 11/16/15

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Well, Thanksgiving certainly did not turn out as Rebecca had hoped. But what else could be expected of Rebecca and her Thanksgiving?

I'm not surprised that Josh's mom doesn't like Valencia. Valencia is a bit of a brat. And then there's Rebecca, a Harvard and Yale graduate, so basically a  mother's dream. So of course she creepily got an invite from Josh's mom to her family's Thanksgiving.

But OMG I felt so bad for Rebecca at the Thanksgiving, even though the family loved her. They even invited her to church! However, little did they know that Rebecca had an atomic bomb brew in' in her stomach! I relate to that scene so much. The food is so good but you Judy can't digest it. You don't want to do the business in someone else's restroom because who wants to stink it up and then have someone use it after and know  that it was you? How embarrassing! 

And it happens to me all the time. During tests especially! 

Then, Rebecca goes and inadvertently puts into motion Josh and Valencia moving in together! I bet she wasn't planning on that to happen, especially because things were going so well during the dinner. Well, sucks to suck! 

However, I guess she had a little pick-me-up when she hung out with Greg afterwards. Fun times!


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