Book Name: Inferno (Blood for Blood #2)
Author: Catherine Doyle
Published: January 7, 2016
Publisher: Chicken House
Genre: YA Contemporary/Mystery > Crime/Thriller
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Sophie's life has been turned upside-down, and she's determined to get things set right. But Nic, the Falcone brother who represents everything she's trying to forget, won't give on their love--and it's Luca's knife she clutches for comfort. Son another mafia clan spoils the fragile peace--and with her heart drawn in one direction and her blood in another, Sophie's in deeper than ever.
Sophie's life has been turned upside-down, and she's determined to get things set right. But Nic, the Falcone brother who represents everything she's trying to forget, won't give on their love--and it's Luca's knife she clutches for comfort. Son another mafia clan spoils the fragile peace--and with her heart drawn in one direction and her blood in another, Sophie's in deeper than ever.
After I finished reading Vendetta, I had serious withdrawals because the book was that amazing! Knowing that it'd be a trilogy (how predictable), I went and searched up when the next one would come up. Lo and behold, January 2016! At the time, it seemed like infinity, but now Inferno is less than three weeks away from release. How time flies!
EEEEEKKK! I'm so excited! Vendetta left off at a very decisive cliffhanger. Even though there's feud between Sophie's family and the Falcones, this drama pales in comparison to the Luca-Sophie-Nic love triangle. I wouldn't necessarily say it's a true love triangle because Nic is no competition for Luca. Sophie and Nic just don't have that chemistry, but Nic is an eager puppy dog who just "won't give up on their love." Oh, I hope Doyle doesn't drag on the romance drama, but I know she will until the third. It's part of the trilogy formula! Duh!
Nonetheless, I am curious of how the recent events will affect Sophie and her mom's life since they are now fully exposed to the mafia. And apparently, there's a new mafia clan in town ready to start some drama. I wonder who they are. Hmmmm…
Hopefully, this will give Sophie's uncles and the Falcones a chance to team up and reconcile. I don't want this to be a true Romeo and Juliet book where both die to "save" each other. That'd be a waste of all this build-up and goodness!
I hope this book isn't a letdown! Vendetta was so great so I doubt it could be an epic fail, but you never know.
P.S. Don't for get to read my view of Vendetta before you read this book.
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