Episode Name: Trigger Happy
Original Air Date: 4/21/16
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In this episode, it had two story lines of an eight-year-old kid getting shot in the head and Stephanie finally going on her first date with Kyle.
The eight year old boy, who was shot, was actually accidentally shot by his friend, Peter. They found the victim's mom gun and started playing around with it and then it shot off. After all the surgeries, the victim survives but is paralyzed. Peter is obviously scared and feels guilty because regardless of his friend being alive, he'll never be able to walk or "ride a bike." Their friendship will never be the same.
That's the one thing I wished would change about Grey's. We meet all these intriguing people and never hear of them after this episode. I would love to know about how life is after for both boys and if they eventually reconcile and become friends again. However, I'm glad that Amelia comforted Peter and later Owen when they needed it most.
Now, let's get on to Stephanie. So, Kyle and she have been texting back and forth for a few weeks, but Stephanie doesn't want to go out because she's scared that she won't measure up to the person she appears to be on paper. However, Meredith pushes "two hearts together," and the two go out on the date.
I'm really beginning to like Meredith this other half of season 12. She's grown so much and is more forgiving and understanding than ever. She's not selfish and has matured with a new outlook on life. That's how you bounce back from being a widow! You go, Meredith!
Also, Callie continues to very unfair and is already planning to move Sofia across the country. I hate how she can't see how unfair this is to Arizona who will hardly be able to see Sofia. All Callie sees is Penny and knows that she is the biological mother. But when Arizona handed Callie her lawyer's number, you could see in Callie's eyes that it is on like donkey kong! This is not going to work out well. I hope Arizona win!
Ben is defiant as ever as well. He takes a job as an anesthesiologist again Bailey's wishes. It's just annoying how he's trying to work the system and not take the punishment he deserves like a man. This will only enable to make more rash choices because he feels invincible with no consequences affecting him.
At least there's bright side with April coming to her senses and inviting Jackson to her prenatal appointment. There is that. Yay!
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