April 24, 2015

The Vampire Diaries S06E19 Picture Recap

Episode Name: Because

Original Air Date: 4/23/15

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The episode begins with Stefan and Caroline chatting it up in a B&B.

Then, it flash backs to Elena, Damon, and Stefan going over the plan to turn Caroline's humanity back on.

Back in present day...

Damon knocks on their room door. Caroline, expecting it to be dinner, opens the door for Damon unintentionally. He shoots them both with vervain darts and takes them to a vampire-proofed room at the same B&B.

Damon visits Bonnie and tells her that he gave the ascendant to his mother. Of course, Bonnie gets mad, and storms off. It's like her signature move.

Back at the B&B...

As Stefan is telling Caroline not to exert so much energy, Elena opens the door window.

Well, looks like Elena's plan just went down the drain. The letter that was supposed to bring Caroline's humanity back was just burned by Stefan. Bummer. You guys should've opened it first!!

Bonnie and Lily are supposed to have a lunch date. But obviously it's just a ruse so Bonbon can search for the ascendant at the Salvatore house. She tells Matt to stall Lily for her.

Just then, Enzo walks into the Mystic Grill and has a little reunion with Lily again.

Back at the B&B, Damon is still contemplating whether or not he should give Elena the cure.


Shortly after their game of "Human Fantasy," they go back to Caroline and Stefan, and that's where things get a little ugly.

Aww, Elena! Caroline tells Elena that she'll never have the normal human life that she wanted and that she'll never truly be happy. It's okay, Elena!! Caroline's just bitter because she's trapped in a room with no blood source.

Back at the Mystic Grill...

Oooooh. Enzo, upset that Lily left him on that ship in 1903, confronts her about it. However, much to his surprise, Lily tells him that she didn't leave him on purpose and that she was captured by the Gemini coven and thrown in prison. Looks like he's resolved his abandonment issues! 

Uh oh. Matt, who was supposed to be keeping an eye on Lily, tells Bonnie that she's gone.

Bonnie manages to find the ascendant, right when Lily and Enzo arrive.

You should've closed the drawer, Bonnie! If you did, then Lily might not have noticed that it was missing.

Lily assumes Damon took it and calls him to bring it to her.


Once again, we're back at the B&B...

Stefan wants to show Caroline a memory of her mom in hopes that it will bring her humanity back. However, Caroline really doesn't want to flip her switch, to the point where she stabs Stefan with a piece of wood she broke off the window.

Fortunately for Stefan, he manages to show her the memory.

OMG THIS PART WAS JUST SO SAD!! When Caroline started crying out to her mom in front of the door, I felt the tears coming!! 

YAY Caroline's humanity is back!! She can stop going on killing sprees and rampages! :)

Back at the Salvatore house, Damon has a little chat with his mom in his living room.

Damon, with a little push from Bonnie, realizes that he doesn't want to tell Elena about the cure. And thus, he lets his mom destroy it. But things aren't always that easy. His mom doesn't destroy, but instead leaves it for Elena to find. Uh oh!

OMG Damon tells Elena to take the cure! What's more is that he also tells her that he's gonna take it with her!!! OMG but he's like the same age as Katherine or probably younger. But the point is, time will catch up to him like it did with Katherine. DUDE THIS SHOW IS GOING AGAINST ITS OWN LOGIC LOL If Damon takes the cure, he's for sure gonna die. I just hope that in the next episode that they address this concern! Other than that, can't wait for the next one! :)

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