October 11, 2015

Thoughts On: Blindspot S01E03

Episode Name: Eight Slim Grins

Original Air Date: 10/5/15

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I can't believe they killed the bearded guy!!! He was the key to Jane's past so of course some person had to kill him!! Why couldn't they wait until after he told Jane why she couldn't trust the FBI??? WHY?!!??

At least now it's confirmed that Jane is TAYLOR SHAW!!! DUN DUN DUN!! If she weren't, that would've been such a bust!! Now, she and Weller can work things out and get together! Also, Weller doesn't need to be mad at his father anymore! Double YAY!!

However, Weller was really mean to her in this episode, but you can tell he's only that way because he cares. AWWWW! However, you don't gotta be so mean, ya know? And he better get himself together and fast because Jane, or Taylor, is on the team now!! Until tomorrow!


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