April 20, 2016

Thoughts On: Grey's Anatomy S12E18E19

Episode Name: There's a Fine, Fine Line // It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

Original Air Date: 4/14/16

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All this drama with Hunt and Riggs is completely unnecessary, and I wished it was resolved already. They're both in the wrong one way or another, so they should just cross and bridge and get over it and try to heal. Being mad at each other won't get Hunt's sister back.

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.

This episode was a very dramatic and we can all thank Ben Warren for that. Personally, I think Warren is off his rocker and going out of control. He does all these impulsive surgeries because he feels like that are necessary and refuses to accept the consequences for his actions. Now, two people are dead for it. 

It's annoying how he refuses to realize how bad of a situation he puts Bailey in by continuing to ask her for special treat essentially because they're married. I see that Bailey is struggling a lot with it and I feel bad for her. However, she shouldn't follow her husband's footsteps and break hospital protocol in order to try to reverse his mistakes. Thankfully, Omar (the husband to the lady Warren "killed") lived. Also, Warren should be thankful that he didn't get fired and only has a six months suspension, but he isn't of course. People these days. I can't.

At least, things seem to getting better for Jackson and April. OMG, when April was freaking out about the baby kicking, it was so sad! It just showed how much she missed out in the last pregnancy with Samuel because of how sick he was. Now that Jackson and April have felt the baby kick and are working towards being on the same page, I hope that stop fighting and focus on this miracle of a pregnancy for them. They should see it as a blessing in disguise (one that may get them back together!). Fingers crossed!

Also, talking about hasty decisions with April's restraining order from the last episode, I guess Arizona has taken a note form April's book and is looking to sue Callie for custody since Callie wants to move across the country with Sofia to be with Penny. This certainly isn't going to be pretty.


Episode Rating:

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