October 5, 2015

Thoughts On: The Blacklist S03E01 // SEASON 3 PREMIERE

Episode Name: The Troll Farmer

Original Air Date: 10/1/15

Posted By:


This season, Liz is on the run with Red! Fun times!!

However, I can't believe that Ressler is coming after Liz, calling her a fugitive and everything! I wanted them together and now he is chasing after her?!?! Like, what is this madness?!? Also, Ressler has definitely gone power crazy now he is in charge; he even went after Cooper's wife for leverage. Just no. That's wrong!

Even though Ressler went after them with a full team, of course Red is a genius and got them out with his cool crew. He has connections everywhere! Red's so funny even when he doesn't try to be. That's why he's the best! However, I don't know if there's a theme with first chair or something but both Grey's and this show have referenced it. Weird…

Also, I love Aram!! He's the only one that still believes in Liz. But Samar doesn't since she's all spy and I-can't-mix-business-with-personal even though I'm dating my co-worker, Aram.

But dude, that babynapper is so creepy! What does he want with Dembe?!?!?

Ughhh, Tiffany Litman, the bartender's sister, is so annoying for ratting Liz out. At least she's smart enough to lie for her brother. Or else his head would've been blown off.

OMG, I was so nervous if Ressler had found them because it would've been and it's all thanks to the bartender's stupid phone. However, Ressler had a cool line, "You come up hands raised or we come down guns raised." Nice rhyming there!

Ooooh,  blond Liz looks pretty good even though it's kind of unrealistic since apparently, it takes hours of processing to get that color. And I feel bad for Red since he seems so sad looking at her. Now, it makes me wonder even more how Red and Katarina, Liz's mother, are connected.

Ressler redeemed himself when it was hinted that he let Liz and Red get away on purpose! YAY, RESSLER! I guess there is hope for you and Liz because he would only do that if he cared about her. This means good things. However, where's Tom? I'm still kind of on Tom's side for some reason. Shucks!

Lastly, Troll Farmer got what he deserved for refusing to work with Red again!

So yeah, this was a really good episode! However, it kind of lacked the pizzazz I was hoping for as you can see since it only got 4.5 blossoms.


Episode Rating:

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