Genre: Comedy, Teen. Drama, Romance
Run: 1 season (18 episodes)
Running Time: 43 minutes
Network: ABC Family
Jane Quimby is a high school student who lands her dream job: working at Donovan Decker, a popular fashion company. However, she only gets the job because they believe she's twenty-something years old. Now, she has to try to manage her school work and her job, all the while dealing with everyday high school drama and keeping her identity a secret at her workplace.
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Jane by Design is one of my absolute favorites!!! I LOVE THIS SHOW SO FREAKING MUCH. I can't believe they cancelled it. It was one of the best shows on ABC Family!! Jane, the titular character just has the best personality!! IT'S JUST SO BUBBLY AND CUTE. Omg, and I LOVE her fashion sense. Ugh, I wish I could make my own clothes. I definitely love the romance as well. Billy and Jane are just meant-to-be!! Although they don't know yet. But I also love Nick and Jane!! THEY ARE JUST SO CUTE. I can't decide which one I like more :(
Jane by Design is very fashion oriented. Jane always has the cutest outfits. Y'know, to match her cute personality!! I just LOVE high school stories like Jane. This show is definitely a must-watch even though it was cancelled. Jane is absolutely AMAZING. You'll definitely love the humor, the drama, the romance, basically everything!! DEFINITELY CHECK IT OUT!!!
You might be a little iffy on watching this series since it did get cancelled (sadly) and only has one season, but it having only one season is exactly why it's so good!! The show doesn't lose its quality unlike other shows with multiple seasons; for example Pretty Little Liars!! PLL has dragged on for so long that people are getting bored!! Me for example!!
Jane Quimby: Jane's the main protagonist and the titular character. She works at Donovan Decker under the misunderstanding that she's twenty-something. She has romantic relations with Nick Fadden, Eli Chandler, Jeremy Jones, and her best friend Billy Nutter. I just absolutely love Jane. Her personality is the best (like I mentioned above). She's just so talented at making clothes. HER ROOM IS SO ADORBS, ESPECIALLY HER CLOSET!!
Billy Nutter: Billy's Jane's best friend. He's somewhat of a punk and delinquent. At the beginning of the show, he dates Lulu, Jane's mortal enemy. He's secretly in love with Jane and even calls her "Janey."
Nick Fadden: AHH, NICK!! OKAY I DECIDED THAT NICK AND JANE ARE THE CUTEST. They start dating, but they break up when he cheats on her with Lulu. WHY, NICK? YOU GUYS WERE SO CUTE :(
Lulu Pope: Lulu's the It girl and Jane's high school nemesis. Lulu and Billy date, much to Jane's dismay. She's a very pompous character; however, she's jealous of Jane and Billy's friendship.
Jeremy Jones: Jeremy is Jane's co-worker. He has an on-and-off thing with India and he also has a thing with Jane. If I remember correctly, I think he has an English accent!
Ben Quimby: Ben's Jane's older brother. He's the assistant athletic director at Jane's school. He starts dating Rita Shaw, the school counselor.
India Jourdain: India's also Jane's colleague, but unlike Jeremy, she hates her and is always tries to sabotage Jane.
Meet the Characters:
Story: 9.5
Characters: 9.5
Enjoyment: 10
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