Episode Name: Young & Moving
Original Air Date: 4/29/15
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HAHA, this episode was pretty funny!! So Gabi and Sofia trick Yolanda into going out with their landlord in order to get the two-bedroom apartment that just opened up. But y'know Gabi and her plans...they usually don't go so well.
AYY KYLIE MINOGUE IS IN THIS EPISODE!! Don't know her? Well, here's one of her songs. Maybe you've heard it before! :) By the way, I didn't know she was Australian HAHA
OMG Gabi's Australian accent is so cute!! I wish I could fake an accent... C'mon, we both know you wish you could too.
I always love Sofia's outfits! Probably because she wears a skirt like ALL the time. I wish I had that many skirts!! HAHA I remember back when I was in fourth grade I always wear a skirt, even when it was raining. No, seriously, I didn't own any jeans or long pants back then.. Long skirts probably, but never any jeans. HAHA SHOUTOUT TO MY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PEEPS!!!
Okay, I went off tangent there. But don't worry, I'm back now! HAHA
Y'know, Gabi and Sofia are always going on about how poor they are and cracking jokes about their lack of money, but LOOK AT ALL THE STUFF IN THEIR APARTMENT! They have so much junk, it's no wonder they're so poor. But it's okay; their poverty is one of their redeeming qualities :)
HAHA OMG JOSH AND HIS MISUNDERSTANDINGS... But hey, it's Shauna's fault for not making it clear that she just wanted to introduce Josh to her son. Poor Josh thought she wanted to have a threesome. Boy, was he wrong!! And yes, that's how you spell her name; I looked it up. HAHA
Well, in the end Gabi and Sofia couldn't fool their way into the two-bedroom apartment. But on the bright side, they got a new roomate!! YOLANDA!!! HAHA Yolanda is so funny!!
P.S. Wow, I can't believe this post only took me 20 minutes to write!! Well, makes sense since the episode is only 20 minutes. Well, regardless, it's still my fastest time yet! YAY :)
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