Original Air Date: 3/10/16
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Since Sheldon, Leonard, and Howard decided they were going to work with each other for the hydrogen thingymabobber, they are trying to make it official by getting a patent from Cal Tech. However, stingy ol' Cal Tech wants to own 75% of everything and Howard won't have any stake because he's an employee of NASA. The boys try to go solo but learn that Cal Tech will always have ownership as long as Sheldon and Leonard are employees.
That's when they decide to split the 25% three ways. Sheldon doesn't care about money, so it's no big deal for him. All he cares about is drawing up a contract! HAAHHAA
The one good thing that comes out of it is that Sheldon can no longer out Howard done while they're working. Nice negotiating there, Howard.
I can't with Raj right now. He's all over the place. I wish he'd stop being so indecisive and easily manipulated by Emily. If he doesn't act now, he'll end up single. Why should he when Claire is such a great catch and Raj really wants/needs a girlfriend? But of course he falls for Emily's act of wanting to be friends (getting back together) and falls right back into bed with her as well. When will he ever learn?
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