May 12, 2016

Breaking News: Castle is Cancelled & Supergirl is Renewed!

I think my title says it all...

Castle is officially cancelled! There won't be a ninth season—there'll just be no more Castle episodes after the next one. In other words, this Monday is Castle's series finale! Yes, SERIES!

Well, Castle isn't really my favorite show. It's just tolerable, so I'm just "ehh" about its cancellation.

Now, onto Supergirl! Supergirl will be getting another season. However, it will be moving networks. There's something you don't see every day. Supergirl is moving from CBS to the CW. Now, crossovers with Arrow, Flash, and Legends can totally make more sense!

However, I'm just still "ehh" about its renewal, but I'm hoping CW does something to improve it!

Disappointment for Castle:

Excitement for Supergirl:

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